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Acupuncture Service Descriptions

Acupuncture and it's associated modalities of cupping, massage, moxibustion, gua sha, food therapy, and Chinese herbal medicine are considered safe and effective ways to promote your body's innate healing ability. Most patients find the sensations produced by an acupuncture treatment to be deeply relaxing both mentally and physically. 


Thin, sterile, single-use needles are placed at specific points to tonify and promote movement of the body's Qi, aiding the body's ability to heal itself.   Acupuncture is an extremely versatile technique as it can be used to treat or improve a wide range of conditions.  It has been practiced and refined for several thousand years. 

Nutritional Supplements

Health challenges that are created on a physical level can often be helped with the right nutritional supplements.  Dietary irregularities, overconsumption of refined and processed foods, pesticides and pollutants, and more combine with stressful lifestyles leading to sub-optimal nutrient status. When the body is lacking in key nutrients, the cells, tissues and organs cannot function their best, eventually manifesting as physical symptoms. 

Food has always been the best source of nutrients, but with the degradation in food quality and exposure to many new environmental stressors (pesticides, EMF's, etc), nutritional supplements can be very beneficial in aiding the body to clear symptoms. I use a muscle testing technique, similar to Nutrition Response Testing (NRT), to establish a foundational supplement protocol, and also identify targeted nutritional supplements to ameliorate symptoms and support your whole being.  


Cupping is an ancient technique, used in many cultures, in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction draws superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body. Cupping brings fresh bloPhoto of acupuncturist using fire cupping on patientod to the area and helps improve circulation. Traditional cupping, sometimes referred to as 'fire cupping,' uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups. In the hospital environment, I will be using a small pump to create suction.

Gua Sha

Gua means 'to rub' or 'press-stroke', Sha is a term that describes the Photo of hand massaging trigger spot near shoulder bladeblood congestion in surface tissue that accumulates in areas of pain and stiffness.  It's benefits are numerous:  resolves spasm and pain, and promotes normal circulation to the muscles, tissues, and organs near the treated area.  Research has shown that Gua sha causes a four-fold increase in micro-circulation of surface tissue and can reduce inflammation.

Herbal Medicine

Photo of flowers, berries, fungus, herbsChinese herbs can be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture for added therapeutic effect. While many cultures have herbal medicine traditions, the sophistication of Chinese herbal medicine is unsurpassed. Before receiving herbs, it is important to tell your acupuncturist all the medications and supplements you are currently taking so as to avoid any unwanted interactions with your formula.

Food Therapy and Lifestyle

Photo of applesOne of the most potent therapies is also the most accessible and low cost: regulating diet.  In order to achieve the full and lasting effect of acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and herbs, appropriate changes in diet and lifestyle (exercise, rest and relaxation, and mental attitude) may be recommended.


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Aitkin Acupuncture at Riverwood Healthcare Center
brown log building

601 Bunker Hill Drive, Aitkin MN

Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Select Fri/Sat

Aitkin Acupuncture Tree Heart Logo


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